Saturday, March 31, 2007

today is saturday

I've been waiting for Stuart's Dad to come and pick him up. I started moving some stuff around in the bedroom while waiting, then took a break. While breaking, I decided it was time to organize the photos on my website. So I built a page, got things organized, created a few new galleries, and hooked it back into the rest of the website. All of the galleries you've seen here, you'll now find there. Yay for me.

It's like spring cleaning for my website. :)

But I'm done and I'm *still* waiting for Stuart's Dad. sigh. I guess I'm not going to make it to the pet store before the poker tournament. I'll go tomorrow afternoon after I pick up the puppy. The store I wanted to go to is near my Dad. Of course I'll have to bring the puppy by to meet Grandpa!!

Putting together the flower gallery got me thinking about all the bulbs I need to plant! I wonder when the ground will be thawed enough to do so. I'll have to take pictures once they're planted and blooming. I don't even remember what I have.

Well, I guess I better get back into the bedroom so I can finish that up. That TV is freakin' heavy so maybe I'll get Stuart's Dad to help me out. I remember it was quite difficult getting it up there in the first place.

Wish me luck at the poker tournament!!


Friday, March 30, 2007


It's official. Jason no longer works for the same company I do. :'(

My days are going to *suck* when he's not online. Seriously. And I mean *seriously* *suck*. I did remember my camera tho' and got some pictures. He tried to get away at one point, but apparently he forgot about a little thing called "zoom." Heh.

Wondering who Jason/Jay is? A friend that I have great conversations with...even though chatting with me is "exhausting", according to him. ;) I'm sure he was jesting. ;) Without further adu, may I present Jason (and Kevin and Wayne, other names you've heard.)

After work I picked up a crate from a friend that didn't need it anymore. It's a good puppy size, but will be too small for her when she's grown. That's ok, I'll switch it out with one of the Min Pin crates when she needs it. Their crates are far larger than they need anyway. I think I even have a separator panel downstairs too. Yippee. :)

I have to go shopping for puppy stuff tomorrow morning. Stuart is going home tomorrow morning too. Then the poker tournament at 3pm. Should be a fun time. :)

I spoke with Jo this morning, I'm going to head over there right after flyball practice Sunday morning. Cheryl is heading over there around noon to pick her puppy. Once she does that, I'll know exactly which one I'm getting. It will be sheer torture sitting there playing with all the puppies while I wait. Sheer torture. :)

I also got to talk to Sue today too!!! She's been MIA for weeks due to the baby being sick and starting a new job. She's really enjoying it and is so excited to go to work everyday. :) Good for her! I kinda remember what that was like. :p She might take a ride with me to pick up the puppy!! Fingers crossed. :)

That's all for now. :)


2 days to go

Two more days and the puppy comes home! I have a lot to do between now and then. I have to re-arrange the bedroom so I can put her crate next to my bed. I have to figure out the crate situation with the boys. They're in medium sized wire crates at night, which is what I now need for the puppy. I'll have to get another one I guess. That'll teach me for giving away so many crates last year.

I watched CSI last night and wondered if there are forensic scientists that watch the show in disgust. I highly doubt everything is as simple as they make it seem, I mean, it's a TV show. It's supposed to seem simple and quick. Is it even possible to get DNA results in mere minutes? Last I heard it took weeks. If you know of any forensic scientists, send them my way so I can ask them. :)

I noticed yesterday that one of my little purple hyacinths has bloomed. It's pitiful and similar to the Charlie Brown christmas tree for the hyacinth world, but it's out there. I'll have to start taking pictures. I did take some of the crocuses....I'll have to find them.

I plan on taking pictures for Jay's going away lunch. I talk about these people all the time so it makes sense that you see who they are. Otherwise, I just have a lot of imaginary friends. :) Plus, he needs more pictures for his myspace page. :)

I think I'll take a trip to the dog supply store and pick up a few things for the puppy either tonight or tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to have a chance to relax much for a very long time once the tornado arrives. I think I'm still on Tweak for a name, but we'll see what that actually transforms into. None of my dogs have just one name!


Thursday, March 29, 2007

much better...

Things are pretty much back to normal. :)

I was busy every night doing homework. I aced my final, of course. :) Now I have 6 weeks to concentrate on the puppy until my next class. It will be difficult once that happens tho'. Real hard.

I had no internet access Wednesday morning so I put a call into Comcast. They came and fixed that.

Wednesday afternoon I had my insurance appeal hearing. I had to go into Somerville for the hearing. There was a person there that "represented" the insurance company and read off the police report. To refresh, this was for the car accident I got into Dec. '05. At first my insurance said it wasn't my fault, gave me back my deductible, and wished me luck. 4 months later, they changed their mind, which put 4 points on to my record. "Technically" it was my fault because I was taking a left out of a driveway on to a 2 lane road. Except I had no clue it was a 2 lane road. Someone stopped to let me go, so I went. There wasn't a white dashed line to indicate it was two lanes, nor were there any signs.

Anyway, I told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I'll find out in 2 weeks "officially" what the decision is, but the guy said he was going to reverse it because the van that stopped to let me go impeded my vision. While I didn't even think of that point, it's true. If it had been a Miata, I would've seen the other car. Thankfully that's all set and my insurance can go back to normal. :) The guy said he didn't want to see me again. I told him, no offense, but I didn't want to see him again either. :)

Today was work, lunch with Jason, work, and more work. :) Stopped at the supermarket on the way home, changed the kitty litter box when I got home (the reason I went to the supermarket in the first place), and played with the dogs. Then I tortured all of the animals by cutting cheese and hot dogs into training sized pieces. Right in front of their little noses. :) I always drop pieces tho' so they were pretty happy. I threw a handful of it on the floor for them to have afterwards. Yup, they have me wrapped around their little paws.

I'm sure all of my friends are stupidly tired of hearing me talk about the puppy by now. But, I can't help it and it's only going to get worse once she's here. Fair warning to all of you fine folks. :p

Jason's last day at work is tomorrow. He says he's going to be online and we'll still be able to chat like normal. But I'm not sure I believe that. ;) I know if *I* didn't have to work, I wouldn't be stuck on the computer the whole time! I'm going to miss having him around....he was a breath of sanity in a not-so-sane world. Sigh. We're taking him out to lunch tomorrow to celebrate. I ask you, who's going to be celebrating?! I'll be in mourning. heh.

I decided to go to the Poker tournament on Saturday instead of watching *T* shoot fireworks at his friends. Yup, that's what he does for fun. Can I pick 'em or what? :p

So that's what's new with me. How about you? :)


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

5 days and counting

I know, I know. I've been busy tho' and just haven't had the time!

5 days and counting until I pick up the puppy!

Day 2 of the conference is today.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

More puppy pics

I'll find out next Sunday which gal I'm getting. I'll also be able to take her home that night!!

Until then, here are more pics.

I have a conference tomorrow and Tuesday in Boston. I have to hit the hay so I can get up at 0-dark-hundred, sit in traffic on the way to the train station, and take the train into town. Yay.

Fingers crossed that I hear the alarm!


playin' with the puppies...

Yesterday: Got most of my homework done before I left. Help set up the rings for the UKC trial. Stopped by Mario & Cathy's on the way home. Hung out, watched a movie, and had a few beers. Left when it started to snow very heavily. Did 45 mph the whole way home. Got here and had 10 mins to finish and submit my homework. Got it in with 40 seconds to spare. Watched TV and went to bed.

Up again at 8am because the kids didn't feel like sleeping anymore. Ripped some music (I'm getting bored with the choices) and got the directions set for Jo's house. Listening to Controlled Aggression (boy I miss seeing them live) while waiting for Donna to arrive. Then we're off to see the PUPPIES! Pics to be posted later today/tonight.

Camera is charged. I'm clean and dressed. I need coffee. And food.

I wish I could take Millie with me, but it would be far too much for her since she doesn't like other dogs at first meeting. She'll get used to the puppy, but she ain't gonna like it much.

Waiting.... Just waiting....


Saturday, March 24, 2007

stuff, stuff, and more stuff

Had drinks and pizza with the girls last night at Flatbreads. Lots of laughs, like always. :) Lots of beer too. ;)

The kids had me up at 8am this morning. I still had beer brain so when I jumped on the computer and got bombarded by IMs, I was a little slow in figuring out which conversation was what. Eh. That's what they get for pinging me when I first wake up. :)

Talked to *T* last night. He was just getting home from Toronto. I am invited to attend the 3rd annual ACSLNE championships next weekend. Some day I'll go into details, but I'm tellin' ya, you won't believe what that is. The problem is, the April Fool's tournament is the same day, at the same time. I haven't committed to either of them, so I'm free to do what I want - I just don't know what that is. I'll figure it out.

I had brunch today with Terrie and her husband, Scottie. It was good that I finally got a chance to meet him. We went to this Turkish place in Nashua. I have no idea how authentic it is, but it was pretty darn good! I think I ate Lamb, but I don't know for sure. I really just didn't want to know, actually. :p I think the name of it was Seven Hills. It was a really tiny place tho' - 3 tables and a bar. I'd go back again. :)

After that, I cam home and before it got all cloudy, weeded the garden. Some of the crocuses didn't quite make it through the last snow fall...the rest were ok. Somebody has to figure out a way to make humans as stubborn as weeds. People wouldn't be dying of cancer and aids then. Damn weeds.

I have some homework due today, which I'll do after this, and before I leave for Waltham. I'm hoping setting the place up will go nice and easy. :) My back is a little sore so no heavy stuff for me.

I found out Mario got into a car accident on the way to work yesterday. He was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler on the highway. Thankfully nobody was hurt, but his car is all "macked up" in the back. Somebody decided to go from the middle lane to an exit, cutting Mario off in the process. He didn't slam on his brakes, but he slowed down so he wouldn't hit the asshole. I guess the truck just couldn't stop and hit Mario. His back and shoulder are sore, but other than that he's fine.

Tomorrow Donna and I (and whoever else wants to come!) are heading up to see the puppies!! I'm charging my batteries even though Donna's bringing her camera.

To answer Kim's comment questions, I don't get to choose which puppy I get. I only know I'm getting a female. The breeder and her teammate are keeping 3 of the females so I get the one they don't want. I'm way ok with that since they'll pick the ones with the most drive, and I want the laziest one. :p I will rename her and I do have a name picked out, but we'll see if it sticks. :) Her registered name will be Hilltop's High on Life and her call name will be Tweak, or T for short. I'm sure she'll be crazy enough to fit the name. :) We'll see - that's the preliminary plan. :)

Stuart is visiting for the week. His dad is going on vacation and I'm dog sitting until next Saturday. You never see Chocolate Min Pins ever, so to have 3 of them is quite the treat. I took a pic so I'll post it.

Ok, on to homework so I can get out of here on time.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday, Friday

The day I've been waiting for has arrived!

Yes, my friends, it's Friday. A day welcomed by almost every working man and woman. It means there are very few hours left that we are required to work for the man. Very soon, our time will become our own for 2 short, but sweet days. I do like Fridays. ;)

Not much went on yesterday. Worked, had lunch with Jay, went to the gym with Terrie, worked some more. Nothing big. I caught up with Angelica, haven't talked to her in ages. I found out that she had to put her old guy, Koffan, to sleep on Wed. :( Having just been there 6 months ago, I can relate. I hope I was able to help ease a little something, but I doubt it. Nothing anyone said back then helped. It was only time....sigh.

I played with the dogs for a while. They enjoyed running around in the yard without falling through the foot of snow. I can't *believe* how much melted yesterday! Almost enough where I have to pump the water off of the pool cover. :)

I was beat last night so I vegged and cuddled with the pups. That's it! I went to bed at a decent hour tho', first time in a long time. I may even make it into work on time today. Ok, maybe not "on time" per se, but I won't be *as* late. :)

Today I'm having lunch with Kate, gym with Terrie, drinks with Cathy & Terrie after work. Oh yeah, and I plan on working too! Since Cathy won't be able to make it up until 6'ish, I'll be able to clock a few extra hours no problem today.

This weekend is busy with dog stuff. I think I'm helping set up the UKC trial tomorrow night and helping clean up Sunday. Donna and I talked about getting the dogs together and going for a hike. That may or may not happen on Sunday. I left her a message seeing if she wanted to go up and visit the puppies instead (one of which will be mine shortly.) ;) I think she'll say yes. :p

I think there's a few other things going on this weekend, but I don't quite remember what they are. No shock there, I know.

Oh, the plumbing is all fixed. Apparently there was a plastic bag in the sewer stack somewhere...? Whatever, I can use my sink now. :) This spring I have to figure out where to get a cap for some pipe that's sticking out of my roof. Scratch that, my Dad has to figure out where to get a cap for some pipe that's sticking out of my roof. :)

I think I mentioned my crocuses are up and blooming. Now that they aren't covered with snow anymore, I plan on taking pictures. Now I just have to wait for the ground to thaw so I can plant the billion other bulbs that have been patiently waiting in the fridge.

I love spring. :)


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm happy...

Went out for margaritas with Jason after work and I'm feeling pretty happy!

And now, I'm going to bed. :)

Happy and bed, two great tastes that taste great together. ;)

(Anyone want to call me in the morning so I get up? lol)


not much goin' on

Well, we never found out what was up with the sink, so my Dad is coming back today with his friend the plumber to figure it out. It didn't end up being the drum trap (aka barrel thing) - that was clean as a whistle actually. However it was a scene out of You Can't Do That on Television. FYI, Drano bleaches clothing; ruined a black shirt when what was left of it in the drum trap poured out on top of me. Yeah, it was gross. Really gross.

We snaked the entire length of the pipe - all the way to the sewer stack. Nothing. Bummer. They'll fix it today. :)

Yesterday my co-worker Marcie came by with her newborn son. It's a good thing I have so much experience now with them - I actually looked like I knew what I was doing. Cute kid.

Terrie and I hit the gym but I was pressed for time so we really hurried through everything. No farting around and pretending to stretch so we don't have to get up. ;p We did everything we were supposed to, and at the end, realized we could be done a lot quicker if we didn't screw around so much. :) Imagine that. :p

I was at work until 6:30 or so last night. For the first time in a long time, I didn't mind at all! The stuff I was doing was interesting, fun, and very exciting. :) I was supposed to go out with Jason for margaritas after work today but I'm not sure if that's happening since my Dad's coming over. I may not need to be here, so we'll see. :)

Today is lunch with Kevin, just him & I, to catch up since we don't often get a chance to with all the other guys around. We have a few things to chat about so it will be fairly interesting if nothing else.

I got my tax stuff from Chuck yesterday. I know I owe, but I'm afraid to open it. I might be a big girl and just get it out of the way sooner rather than later. We'll see.

But, as always, I'm running late!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Puppy pics...


Not sure which one will be joining the pack yet!



figured it out

I think I figured out why I never hear my alarm clock in the morning. I sing to it and incorporate it into my dream. I haven't figured out why I never hear the buzzer part tho'. Ah well. Apparently I need to find a country station or something. I'm pretty sure I won't sing to any of those songs - unless they play old school Kenny Rogers. Then I'm up the creek without a paddle.

Very boring day - work, meetings, gym, sink. Maybe I'll get started on next week's homework. Probably not.

Maybe I'll actually get to see my cousin Sue this week. That's a definite maybe, not a probably not. I haven't seen or heard much from her in such a long time. I guess having a kidlet really screws up the ability to have free time. It's my fault too. I could stop by any time after work and say hello. I've worked really late a bunch of times, I was sick, they were sick. Eh. Boy do I miss her tho'.

One of the dogs has gas. Bad, bad gas. No more sharing veggies from boiled dinner with the boys. Clearly they can't handle it. Or maybe I can't handle it - yeah, that's right. That's some knock-you-out kind of gas.

I long for the day when I don't have to get up at any specific time to go to work for someone else. Someday.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

best intentions....

I have the best intentions. Really, I do. Things just never seem to go the way I think they will. :)

I went to flyball practice this morning (late of course) and planned on coming home, doing the dishes, finishing swearing at the computer (I did curse a hell of a lot yesterday), and tuck into my homework.

After practice (Freddie gave me a bunch of new bruises, Yay) I came home and played with the dogs for a bit. They got a big kick out of chewing on the icicles I was knocking down. Before you get all up in arms, they were in the house while I was knocking them down. I have no interest in spearing them with icicles. :p

After that I started playing with the computer for a bit more. I found out which file it needs *this* time but I didn't feel like dealing with it anymore. I went to make a cup of hot cocoa and while I was waiting for the water to boil, I started doing some of the dishes. I wasn't going to do them all, just what I could while the water was boiling. I noticed, tho', that the water wasn't going down the drain.


Ok, I start pulling dishes out so I can make sure I didn't have the stopper in. Nope. Then I figured it was blocked by food or something. Nope.


I call Dad. He tells me to block 2 of the 3 holes and plunge the open one. I can do that, all I have to do is put the stoppers in! Ha. That would make sense, right? But that's not actually how it works - the pressure of my plunging lifts the stoppers out of the holes. I'm sure that's just because of all them muscles I have. :p

Call Dad back. He tells me to figure out a way to brace them so they don't pop up. Duh. Short of growing another hand, I have to get creative. I won't even go into some of the things I came up with! Anyway, I finally get the right sink braced, I'm holding down the garbage disposal one, and plunging the left one with one hand (those muscles again.) I do that for about.... 20 mins or so. I take a small break, drink the hot cocoa, which is no longer hot, and rest for a bit before trying again. Another 1/2 hr of plunging and I'm done.

Call Dad again. I suggest Drano, he says fine, try it. I take a quick trip to Home Depot (they have the more powerful stuff) and decide to get a snake as well. I'm sure there's another name for them, but I only know them as snakes - the long springy thing that you turn once it's in the pipe. I try the snake, that doesn't work - I can't get it up into the trap, I can only make it past one bend. On to the backup plan - Drano. Guess what doesn't work? Yup, Drano.

Call Dad yet again (have I mentioned how much my Dad *loves* talking on the phone?) Plan Z - drain the sink via the stopper at the bottom of the trap. Then I can stick my finger up there (that just sounds wrong) and clear the blockage (that sounds even worse.) I can do that! I know where it is. I have a tool that can do that. Great. I drain it all out (it smells like Drano), slosh it all over the floor bringing the container to the bathtub, multiple times, but finally get all 3 sinks drained.

At this point I've spent about 5 hours working on the sink. Fun stuff.

Call Dad again - what now? Add more water, does it go down? Sigh....Doh! I add just a little, after all, I'm not completely dense, just a little dense. :) Nope, it doesn't go down. Damn.

I clear the sink yet again and the take apart the connector to the pipe that goes down into the cellar. You have to remember, we built the piping! I know how to take it all apart. :) Ok, my Dad built the piping, I just cut it and watched. :) So I get that apart and try to snake the pipe that goes into the basement. I get it past one bend but then hit a wall. Dad was still on the phone for all of this so he gives up and says he'll be up tomorrow.

I go downstairs to see what it was I hit, why I couldn't get the snake past 3 feet. Dad's still on the phone btw. :) There's this big drum/barrel type thing. Well there's your problem! My problem, actually. My Dad said it some kind of trap thing but I can't remember what it was called. It has a screwy thing on the bottom tho' so we can take it apart. I ask my Dad if he wants me to try it? He laughs. That would be a no. :)

After 8 hours, my Dad is coming up after work to help clear out the barrel thing. I have a couple of 5 gallon buckets ready and waiting. I'm sure this is going to be one of those really freakin' gross things that's going to make me curse being a home owner. As I said, I had the best intentions!!

So the kitchen is *trashed* - and I mean really trashed. Under the sink is all cleared out and all over the floor, the dirty dishes that were in the sinks are all over the counter, stove, and spilling on the floor. The pipes are all undone and hanging out all over the place.


The good news is that I started working on my homework after all of that and I got everything done - for the whole week. That's 2 weeks in a row that I rock! So tomorrow, I don't have to worry about doing homework while I'm getting splashed by all sorts of gross shit. :)

Jo sent me a few pictures of the girls today (the girl puppies from her litter.) Damn they're cute! I sent her an email back asking which one seemed the calmest. She wrote back and laughed at me. I think I'm in trouble. :) I should probably mention that one puppy was shredding the carpet in one of the pictures and another one was chewing on my friend's jeans. Oh yeah, I'm soooo going to be in trouble. :) I'm going to try and take a trip up to see them either during the week or over the weekend.

Holy shit! Look at the time! Doubtful I'll be getting in to work on time. :p AND I have to leave early to make sure I'm here for my Dad!

Gotta go!


Saturday, March 17, 2007

I rock.

If I do say so myself, I'm a freakin' good cook!

Now, on to the drinking! :D


it's cold

Brrr. :)

Last night I dug out the 2 dinosaur computers out of the closet. I couldn't boot one of them up, but I retrieved the hard drive. The other one I could boot up a couple of times before it decided to shit the bed. The bad part is that I found some old pictures from Glen's BBQs and some pics of the dogs. The good part is that I can probably fix it with some time and lots of swearing.

Since I don't plan on going out today at all, looks like I have the time. :) I'm sure I can handle the swearing part. ;)

So I paid 2 of the kids that live down the street to shovel my driveway. $20 bucks is a lot for them, plus $5 for digging out the car. :) There's a big difference in how the kids do it these days versus back in my day. Shit I sound so old. I can't believe I'm saying this shit. Anyway, my friends used to grab a few shovels and walk around the neighborhood shoveling the driveways. A lot of hard work, tho' the driveways weren't as long in the old neighborhood.

These days, the kids walk around shoveling the driveways, they start at the top. Then their parents find out where they are, and bring the snow blower down, "to do the heavy stuff at the end." What?

So the heavy crap the plows push around is now gone, there's still a good amount of driveway left to do. The kids can handle it, it's all light enough, right? Nah. The dad ends up using the snow blower on the whole driveway, up to my car. I really don't care how it gets gone, as long
as it gets gone.

So let's recap and see just what the kids *did* do, shall we? The cleared off the car? Check. They cleared a shovel width of space on either side of the car? Check. They cleared a shovel width of space in front of the car? Check.

That's it! I hope the dad asks for a cut for the snow blowing. ;) Might as well teach them what the real world is like, right?!

Boiled dinner is on the stove. It takes hours and hours to cook but is well worth it. I never had boiled dinner as a kid. My Dad is Irish but doesn't like it, my Mom is Italian and did most of the cooking. An ex-boyfriend's family used to make it and I loved it so I started making it myself. The key to a great boiled dinner is using gray corned beef. You have to add a few Bay Leaves to the water too. Yummy!

So besides relaxing allll day, there will be boiled dinner and good beer in my future. :)



I've turned into that woman that pays the kids 20 bucks to shovel her driveway and makes hot cocoa for them so they don't get cold. (Which I know is quite impossible after shoveling that driveway myself... whatever.)

More later...


Friday, March 16, 2007

I forgot..

Dude. I so totally forgot to tell you that I made the best stir fry *ever* the other night.

Real simple: onions, mushrooms, steak, oyster sauce, & butter over brown rice. Seriously, I can't stop patting myself on the back over that one.

I'm debating right now. Not sure if I should leave work now and have my delicious leftovers at home, or if I should eat first and then take off. I don't want to get caught in traffic crap so I'll finish the day from the comfort of my own home. :)

Technology rocks when it works in your favor, like VPN. It totally sucks when it doesn't, like cameras that take your picture when you run a red light.

Can't have it all. :)


New England weather

Having never lived in any other part of the country for more than 6 months, I wonder if New England weather is unique. The saying around these parts is "If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes, it'll change." We were up to 70 degrees 2 days ago. 45 degrees and rain yesterday. Today it's 28 and is going to snow. Then it'll switch over to sleet and rain after it dumps a foot of the white stuff and go back up to the mid-40's. That's not as severe as the time we got the foot and a half of snow on April 1st, only to have sun and 70 degrees the next day, which melted all of the snow. You get the point.

I don't think I had anything planned on Saturday, which is just as well since it looks like I'll be a shoveling fool tonight.

I think I was supposed to meet Cathy for drinks tonight too. I'm thinking she'll want to reschedule, which is cool by me since I'm planning on taking off early and finishing the day from home so I can avoid another hellish commute.

I soooo need to get my hair done. My roots are now inches long and all of my gray hair stands out well against the darkness of it. I actually don't mind my grays at all. I wish there was a way to not color them so I'd have red and white hair - that would be cool. I'm still hoping I get one of those bride of Frankenstein white patches tho'. I'll definitely leave that be and have a white streak through not-naturally-seen-in-nature red hair. :p

Millie is lying next to me, much to the chagrin of the Pins since that's their spot. The cute part is that Captain (the cat) is lying right next to her, with his head resting on her face. Every once in a while he gives her kisses. :) A little backwards but it works!


Thursday, March 15, 2007


So I yawned this morning and apparently I did it the wrong way. Did you know you could yawn incorrectly? Neither did I. But, apparently you can because I can't open my mouth that well anymore. Not necessarily a bad thing if you're tired of hearing me talking I suppose. :)

So whatever connects my ear to my jaw is... stretched? Bruised? Pulled? Dunno. It hurts tho'. This is like throwing your back out sneezing. It's just stupid.

I left work at a normal time tonight, only to turn around and head right back in for an hour. Rt 3 was a parking lot. 128 was a parking lot. I figured it was better to get another hour on the clock then spend it on the highway getting all pissed off. As it was, all of the assholes from hell were on the road at 6:30. Directionals are only suggestions after all and it really doesn't matter if my car is currently occupying the space they're trying to get into. Grrr.

I noticed that my speedometer goes up to 140mph. First, I highly doubt the minivan could get that high without shooting a piston through my hood. Second, I can't imagine what it would look like - a minivan doing a buck forty down the highway. Heh.

I was looking for a picture today and I found a freakin' *ton* from like 2000. Pics of Jeff and Mario, Brian with Glen, Me with Elissa, lots of old pics. It makes me want to power up the 2 old dinosaurs in the closet and see what's on them. I bet there's some pretty funny shit. :)

Jason's been on vacation all week and I think I'm losing my mind. My chatting skills are severely suffering. The lack of witty banter about work, beer, and people is shriveling my mind. I checked, it's much smaller.

Time. Why can't we keep it on daylight savings time all the time? It was started to save energy way back when. But how exactly does it do that? You don't have to turn on a light earlier but your AC is still cranking away! What the hell is the point?

I bitch because, like every year, I'm still having trouble adjusting to the loss of sleep. My body doesn't like it when the time changes. Nosiree bob it don't. Unless you're giving me an extra hour of sleep, then it's pretty darn happy. Eh, in another couple of weeks my body will be used to it and I won't care.

Well, Millie is standing in the hallway letting me know it's time for bed so I guess I better get going. I should train her to be an alarm clock for waking up, not going to bed. :p


today's observation

If windshield washer fluid comes in 1 gallon jugs, why doesn't the windshield washer reserve tank hold that much?

It's been that way for every one of the cars I've owned. I go to fill up the fluid and I have about an inch left in the bottle. What's that about? Car makers can't make that reserve tank a smidgeon bigger?

Random thought.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

blog before bed

The photo shoot with the dogs went well. I know it doesn't matter much but I was embarrassed for my boys. :) The first 3 outfits were pink. A pink plaid sweater, a pink dress, and a pink work out shirt. Apparently the boys are secure enough in their manhood as they didn't seem to mind at all. :) So, if you come across a chocolate Min Pin wearing a dress in a magazine, that's my boy. :p

They used Millie for an incontinence pad ad for old dogs. Then they used the boys for a few more outfits - couple of jackets and some more shirts. Before all of that, they used all of the dogs in an ad for a grooming magazine. They brought a bunch of people in from the office and had them act like they were watching the groomer train the dog (Millie.)

All in all it was pretty good. :)

I got home around 1'ish and worked until the washer guy arrived. A hose that connected to the tub popped off, that was it. Nice quick fix. :)

Later in the day, I got a call from Kevin - he wanted to vent about a few things. I mean, that's what friends are for! We talked for over an hour about stuff going on in his life. It was all well and good, except that it made me late for my date with *T*. Sigh.

So I was 20 mins late meeting *T*. I felt *awful*! Considering we were both pressed for time and almost didn't go out. But, as far as I can tell we both had a great time. :) We'll see if there's a third date. :p

I worked from home in the morning because I had a Dr's appt. later that morning. I was so frustrated and had such a headache afterwards that I just went home. I spent the afternoon on the couch resting me, my back, and my head.

Jason came by for dinner and beer. We finally tucked into the growlers I got from the Portsmouth Brewing Co. I made ribs in the crock pot (Thanks Rob!) and potatoes. He met the kids and made the mistake of thinking it was no big thing to throw the ball for Freddie. :) Actually, he made fun of me for using the Chuckit so I told him to be my guest. About 20 minutes later he was done and Freddie was still raring to go. No surprise there.

We ate, he ate too much, and we watched Jackass Two with some fine beer. Scratch that, *I* had some fine beer. He was too full to join me. Hey, more for me!! lol I'm finishing off the Creem (that's how they spelled it..) Ale as I type. :)

My commute *SUCKED* this morning. I found out afterwards why - a person got hit by a few cars on the highway. What he was doing walking on the highway, I have no idea. I feel bad, that's a pretty sucky way to die.

Work sucked as well - just a continuation from the commute. My 1 1/2 hr commute made me 1/2 hr late for a meeting. Another meeting after that and then a few more surprise "oh by the way, this going into production tonight" tasks to do before I left for the day. Ugh.

Terrie & I hit the gym this afternoon. Someone moved the fan so that it doesn't hit the elliptical machine I usually use. Bastards. I assumed the fetal position in between exercises - guess what I got today. Yay.

But, I can't bitch about the weather!! 70 degrees today. It's almost like the weather is following the time change! I checked on my flowerbeds when I got home and besides the stupidly crazy amount of weeding I have to do, I have flowers! My crocuses are up and blooming. :) There are a bunch of leaves coming up as well - I think they're tulips.

I wish we had a day this weekend like today... that would rock! But instead, we're getting rain and snow. That's ok, I'll be able to get some kick-ass pictures of the crocuses peeking out of the snow. :) It's the little things in life!

There were a bunch of birds at the feeder this morning too. I even got a cardinal on the deck! I hung up one of the thistle feeders to see if I can get any colorful birds to come around. I need to pick up a few of those hooks that connects to the deck railing so I can put up a few more. Maybe I can entice some hummingbirds too... I think I still have that feeder.

Anyway, I'm getting excited for spring! I'm thinking of all the things I need to get done outside and I'm at the stage where they aren't daunting and scary! They will be soon enough I'm sure.

Ok, stick a fork in me, I'm done.


Sunday, March 11, 2007


I think I've mentioned that my Dad had a heart attack a while back. I also think I've mentioned that he *only* drinks Watermelon-Kiwi Fruit2O. In addition to that, I'm pretty sure I've talked about the wonderful people at Market Basket that special order said Fruit2O.

Well, disaster has struck. The wonderful people at Market Basket are no longer able to special order said Fruit2O. It has been discontinued. I had the unfortunate pleasure of informing my father of this tragedy, which went oh so well, lemme tell ya. He's pissed. REALLY pissed.

I really wouldn't want to be the poor slob at Fruit2O that has to read and respond to emails sent from the Fruit2O website. The 'discontinued' information prompted my father to visit their website, confirm the vile rumor was true, and proceed to send an email. I have no idea what kind of "tone" was used. Poor Fruit2O worker.

So, if any of you just happen to work for a grocery distributor that just happens to have a full pallet of Watermelon-Kiwi Fruit2O that you just happen to need to get rid of, please let me know. :)

In other news, I completely forgot about the whole time change thing and was late for flyball practice this morning. Every clock in the house changed on it's own. Except for my alarm clock. :) The key clock that needs to be changed if I want to get up on time. :) Lesson learned: change the alarm clock before bed. :)

After practice, I came home and tidied up a bit, did more laundry, and then finished the dishes. I headed over to my grandparent's house to visit. My aunt is sick so I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things for her and my grandparents. Then I hung out chatting and having coffee.

My grandfather isn't doing so well unfortunately. :( His age is really starting to catch up with him. He's supposed to be on oxygen 24/7 but he doesn't do it. He's supposed to use his nebulizer three times a day but he doesn't do it. His short term memory is gone so he asks a question and 10 minutes later asks it again. He doesn't have much to say anymore and walks around the house looking out the windows. It breaks my heart. :(

I ran a quick errand then came home. You won't *believe* how productive I was! I folded the two huge baskets (hamper style, not those short little things) of laundry in the bedroom that have been sitting there f-o-r-e-v-e-r. To give you an idea on how adept I am in the art of procrastination, I started folding sheets, then moved on to Christmas and Halloween socks, then finally hit the pile of shorts, tank tops, towels, and swimsuits. Now *that's* procrastination!

My washer started leaking water so I found the receipt and the warranty and scheduled an appointment online on the Whirlpool website. They'll be here tomorrow between 12 and 5pm. I can't believe I found all the necessary paperwork. Freakin' amazing!

I found a bunch of little shit and put all of that away too. Then I started dinner and threw it in the oven. Then I started homework. Would you believe I finished allllllllll of my homework for the week? Neither can I!! But I did. :)

Then I trimmed Millie's nails. Then I matched up all the socks that were strewn amongst the laundry baskets. Then I got all the recycling together. Then I ate and packaged the leftovers for lunch for the week.

I have no idea what's come into me, but I hope it lasts!! I need to clean out that spare room. :p

Tomorrow morning is the photo shoot, the afternoon I'm working from home, and tomorrow night I'm going out with *T* for round two of the dating game. I wonder where we're going.

I found out today I have to pay taxes this year. I'm so thrilled. So, Dawn is for hire. Let me know what you need done and I'll do it. :) Be nice, I'm talking website design and coding, custom graphics, and consulting on usability and functionality. Get in touch. :)

I think I'll go stare at the bedroom ceiling for a while. It's past my bedtime but I'm not tired.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

miss me? :p

I've been busy lately, hence the silent treatment. Lately, heh. Let me rephrase - I've been busier than normal lately. :)

Let's see, Wednesday I took a trip down to CT for the longest recorded deposition in CT's history. My attorney said 1 - 1 1/2 hrs. It took 2 1/2 hrs. Thankfully the traffic wasn't bad coming back north. Also thankfully I wasn't rear-ended by a cement company truck on the way home again. Bonus. :) I think I got home around 7:30pm or so.

Thursday, work was really busy - ridiculously so. To make the day crazier, Jay & I went out for lunch and got stuck in traffic on the way back. Our 1 hr lunch turned into a 3 hr lunch, which kept me at work until 7:30pm or so. I then worked from home for the rest of the night to finish a few things needed for the next day.

Friday, we went out to lunch - Macaroni Grill. I hate that freakin' place. But, I had a good time; laughing at all the things the men say and do, trying to be funny and cute for the waitresses. It really gets ridiculous at times and Friday was one of those days. I think my face was red for like an hour afterwards from laughing so hard. The abs got a serious workout that day.

After work, Terri & I headed over to Flatbreads - I was meeting Cathy there for dinner and drinks. We had a good time, like always, just chatting, drinking, eating, and laughing. Sarah came and sat with us for a while, that was fun. She's one of the managers there that we see and talk to every week. It was cool to hang out and chat socially, have a beer together, since she was off the clock. Terri said goodnight early - she had plans to go see a movie or something with her husband.

Just a little advertisement for a favorite restaurant: If you haven't tried Flatbreads, go do it. Now. Everything is organic, there's a really neat brick oven with a real fire that cooks the pizza, the atmosphere is incredible, the staff even better, the food is wicked tasty, and most important of all, they have great beer. :) Last night we had Smoked Salmon pizza. I know. It sounds gross and strange, and normally if someone told me about it, I'd be thinking exactly what you're thinking right now. BUT! It was really good! Just what the hell are capers anyway?

Around 9pm we took off and went to the mall. Cathy needed to get a few gifts for a kids party and I had to pick up something to work out in. I also needed more Satsuma lotion. I think I got home from that around 10:30pm. I had something due for homework so I was up until 12:3oam or so doing that.

I'm so lucky that my pups are so forgiving. :)

Today, I spent the morning on the computer screwing around. Ellin and Joe came by to visit for a bit. We were commenting on the ridiculous weather - it's like 50 degrees out! My lips are chapped from the 6 degree weather we've had the last week but today it's 50. Only in New England.

After they left, I jumped back on the computer and did some homework. I turned in everything that was due and started on the rest of my assignments for rest o the week. Me? Doing things ahead of time? Shocking, I know, but true. :) I got some laundry done - still have a ton of dog laundry tho'. I gave Millie a bath, much to her chagrin. I still have to do her nails, but I can do that tomorrow. The boys are next for a bath. Monday they have a photo shoot for PetEdge and need to be nicely groomed. :)

Tomorrow I have flyball practice in the morning. I haven't been in a while (she says sheepishly.) But, not all of it was me just being a party freak! ;) I'm considering bringing Pacie... it'll give him something to do. I'm not sure tho' - I don't know if him being physically active affects his kidneys in a negative way or not. I shouldn't take the chance until I know for sure. Ok, decision made. :)

After that I have to visit my grandparents. I haven't been by in a while and I was supposed to go over today. Homework tripped that plan up. Originally I was supposed to look in on them since my Aunt was going to be away, but she got sick and ended up staying home. They made lunch for me today, which I'll eat for lunch tomorrow. :)

I think there's a few other things I have to do tomorrow, but I have no idea what they are right now. Oh, I wanted to take a ride to Home Depot - have to pick up a new filter for the furnace and a light switch plate for the hallway. I think I've decided to paint the kitchen so I should probably pick up that stuff. I have to paint the livingroom soon too, as well as sand and refinish the baseboards. Ugh.

Is that enough stuff for you? :p


Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I'm freakin' cute as a cartoon!

This is what I would look like if I was a cartoon. Not to shabby, huh? Oh, and if I was skinnier, and prettier. :)



I dare ya...

Go ahead....

Tell me *YOU* could say no....


feelin' better...

I went to work today without a stitch of makeup on. I just couldn't be bothered. Besides, nothing is going to cover up all the little red dots on my face from yakking my intestines out the other night so what would be the point?

I did take a very nice, long nap yesterday. I went to bed before normal without a problem so apparently I needed it. I made rice and veggies for dinner - nice and bland. Food poisoning sucks!

I watched a few movies last night, did a little homework, nothing big. I think the most profound thing I did was move from the couch to the love seat for a bit. When will the craziness stop?

Today is work, gym, work, homework, cleaning, sleep - in that order.

I've been thinking about relationships and what goes wrong with them. Every time I turn around I hear of couples breaking up because this one was cheating on that one. Infidelity is everywhere and I wonder why. Well, I understand why - sex. Something different, exciting, not the same-old-same-old.

Is it just human nature? If so, why do we fight against it and force people to spend the rest of their lives with just one person? I don't know. I don't pretend to have the answers, I just think of the questions.


Monday, March 5, 2007

weekend, insanity, and sooooo sick

We had a flyball tournament this weekend up at All Dogs Gym. I really thought it was going to be far worse than it ended up being with as many teams and races as there were. I was pleasantly surprised. :)

Racing was good, conversation was good, socializing was good - it was all good. :) Rob usually sends out an email, summarizing our funny conversations and interesting factoids learned during the down time. It might take a few days, but I can't wait to read it. :)

Joanne from NET came by to visit and I found out she has a litter of puppies available. This is where the insanity portion of the blog starts - I'm thinking of getting a puppy. I've been tossing the idea around for a little bit but haven't told anyone. It just kinda clicked when she mentioned it. So, I might be getting a puppy. :)

A Border Collie puppy at that. I'm pretty sure I said I'd never own a Border Collie - ever. Looks like I lied. :) I thought about it a lot Saturday night and I was getting more and more excited about the prospect. I even have names picked out - a call name and a registered name.

I know, I know. I'm insane.

Last night, while talking to *T* on the phone, I got hit with a surprise. Food poisoning. I won't go into all of the gory, disgusting details, but suffice it to say it was a very tough time from about 6pm to 6am this morning. I was in bed at 8pm and got up every 2 hours. I was so cold I slept in my clothes, added a sweatshirt, and kept my socks on - something I *NEVER* sleep with on. I hate having socks on while sleeping. It hit Holly & Rob too, so we think it was the chili. :(

So, I'm working from home today. Feeling *very* sensitive, *very* tired, and *very* beat up. Oh, and my voice is absolutely shot, but I'm not sure if that's from all the yelling this weekend or from getting so sick. Probably both - I'm not very understandable on the phone. :)

Well, it's taken me about 4 1/2 hours to get this typed up so it's time for me to go. The work interruptions are too frequent. I think I've forgotten a thing or two, but I'll come back later if I remember them.


Friday, March 2, 2007

new addition!!

Glen & Elissa welcomed in their 2nd boy this morning at 8:42am.. :)

I went to visit at the hospital after work and got some good pictures. :)

Unfortunately my battery was so dead I could really only get 10 or so. *Very* low amount for your's truly. But, I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities coming up. :)

Well, I have an early morning wake up call coming and I have some homework to do before bed so it's time for me to jet.


What the hell...

Did they shorten the week or something? I'm at a funeral Monday, next thing I know it's Friday.

I didn't get out of work until 7pm last night. I'm a little less than pleased with that shit. But, I got a number of things off of my plate thankfully. No more connection issues, no more statistics to wade through, no more mockups - well, that's not true but the most urgent ones are done. Shit. I might even be able to do my job today.

I'm pretty sure my commute this morning is going to suck ass in the biggest way possible. I should jump in the shower now and get moving, but alas, I'm procrastinating. I have to stop and get cashola for lunch and the weekend. Can't forget.

I worked on Wayne's logo for a bit last night before my head started nodding. It's hard to design a logo for someone when they don't have a clear idea on what they want. Just sayin'.

I guess I've procrastinated enough about the date tho'. It went well. :) We had dinner, and a great selection of beer, at the Portsmouth Brewery. They have these 3 1/2oz. sampler racks that were fun and tasty. :)

I was joking with Jay before hand about needing a designated driver for the date. Would that have been in bad taste? To show up with a friend so I could enjoy the fine selection of beverages without worrying about the driving part? I mean, I had never partaken of this brewery's wares. Of course I had to try them all! heh.

Anyway, *T* is a really nice guy - he could so take over the movie phone guy's job, he has that kind of voice. :) We had a blast talking and laughing - not much different than any other lunch/dinner with friends. :) Thankfully he's really quite funny. Of course I'm a hoot as well so the combination made for a lot of laughing and giggling. I'm a girl, I can giggle if I want to. Sometimes I can't help it. Make that frequently. Unfortunately it was getting late and I still had the drive home so we hung out after dinner for just a bit and then parted ways.

The kiss was nice. :)

So, we'll see what happens. I know that isn't nearly as exciting as some of the bad dates I've posted on here. Actually, I really just post the stupidly ridiculous ones. But, it's refreshing to have a date that I didn't want to run screaming from. Quite refreshing, actually.

Enough procrastinating. I must be off to the place-that-can-not-be-named. :p


Thursday, March 1, 2007


Sometimes I'm just silly. :) And really, I'm ok with that!

I did a foolish thing yesterday in merging a meeting I had with one of the fitness instructors with my workout in the gym. 1 1/2 hours later, I was a pretty sore puppy.

Jason and I had margaritas after work yesterday. I'm figuring out that I talk too much! I don't even need to be drinking in order for that to happen, but boy does it help!! I was having fun tho'. After that we met up with Wayne, from work, and 2 of Jason's friends at the 9's. I should've stopped there, but ah well. :)

I came home, caught up on email, got pig-piled by the dogs, did some homework, and went to bed.

One of the dogs decided they wanted to bring a cookie to bed with them (I was feeling guilty for being gone so long so they all slept with me), unbeknownst to me. I found out this morning when I woke up in a pile of crumbs. That felt good.

Ok, I have to go see if the carpet cleaner still works. My boss needs to borrow it after one of her kids projectile vomited spaghetti and sauce all over the place. I love having dogs. :)