Thursday, June 29, 2006


The book I requested from the library came in yesterday (you can check these things online now!) so I was up far too late reading it - hence the ugh.

Work was work, nothing exciting there. We can now test the pages and functionality of our HRMS system upgrade. Whoopie. I found out there are yet more changes to a quiz I'm working on and I also got wind of an external vendor product that one of my customers has decided to bring in for tracking purposes. All well and good except it changes the whole design of a collection I'm in the process of developing. Yay. Thankfully we need mgmnt approval & my boss is on vacation for another week+ so I have a reprieve. :) Enough boring work stuff.

I watched a little TV last night while loading more software on to the new computer. Then I couldn't take it anymore and had to head to bed so I could start reading my book. :) I was in bed fairly early and 10 chapters later, well, it was far past my bedtime so I'm dragging a bit here. I'm leaving work early today to meet with my lawyer about my wills & stuff. After that I think I'm heading up to the nursery/masonry place to pick out stones for the patio. Here's hoping that I (like always) don't choose the most expensive one. I'll be happy if I can afford anything but red brick. :) That's not the look I'm going for.

I didn't end up going to the show last night. I was tired by 8:30pm and new there was no way I would last until 1 or 2 am. It sucks when you realize you're getting old and you have more fun during the day then at night. The day is for sleeping and the night is when you get to have fun. But alas, that changes.

I made a pork stirfry last night and had enough leftover to make lunch for today and tomorrow. I think the only time I can fit in a run to the market is Friday since I have the tourney in Northborough this weekend. Thankfully I don't have a full day on Monday & have Tuesday off so I can recoop a bit. :)

That's about it in a nutshell! :)


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