Sunday, September 10, 2006

scared witless...

I wrote a quick post on Friday and somehow the day went to hell. Since Weds., Freddie had been winking at me. Normally that wouldn't be so bad, except it doesn't mean the same thing in the dog world. :) Anyway, I figured he just went barrel assed into the back yard and ran into a weed or something. But, since Weds., he'd been progressively more lethargic and by Friday, after I wrote that post, he was nothing like himself.

I was supposed to go into the office for a few hours before my hair appt. but decided to work from home in the morning so I could call the vet and get him in there. They had an appt., then called to reschedule it to the afternoon. So I worked from home and then brought Freddie to my hair appt. Everyone was so impressed with how well behaved he was since he didn't do much but sit in my lap the whole time. It was extremely clear to me that something was wrong because calmly sitting in my lap isn't usually in the same sentence with "Freddie".

So after my hair appt. Freddie and I went to the vet. We were there for a little over 2 hours but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. They did a bunch of tests on his winky eye since that was the most consistent symptom he had. He doesn't have ulcers or cataracts and his pressure is fine. They gave me an antibiotic ointment to stick in his eye.

The rest of the day on Friday and on Saturday, he wasn't doing well at all. He wouldn't follow me when I got up (always happens), he wouldn't lick my legs when I got out of the shower (always happens), he didn't want to play with his ball (never happens), he looked sick and miserable, he didn't want to do anything at all but lay next to me. He was barely wagging his tail. He wasn't growling at Pacie (!!!). He didn't want to jump up on the couch - or down. He didn't want to go down the 5 stairs leading to the backyard. His back is hunched and he makes groaning sounds when you try to feel his stomach. He won't jump up to say hello like all annoying small dogs do.

He was not himself *at all*.

Saturday I had plans to go to Mary's BBQ. I went, but worried about him the whole time. I did drive back in the middle of it to see how he was doing (she lives 5 mins. away). He was about the same, no better, no worse. I went back to the BBQ for a little while, but didn't end up staying that much longer after that.

Last night I burst into tears because he looked so sick and helpless. This is probably the first really big scare I've had with any of them and I didn't know what to do. I realized this morning that he looked so badly last night because it was 2am. Duh. Apparently when you worry your ass off, you lose the ability to think logically.

We were supposed to go to PetRock today to do flyball demonstrations but we didn't. I sent an email to my team yesterday letting them know that we probably wouldn't be going because Freddie was sick. Without knowing exactly what's wrong with him, I don't want him to be near other dogs for his safety, and for the other dog's safety. He'd probably still go up and down the lanes because he's insane and addicted to flyball, but I don't want him to do anything physical until we know more.

In a way, it was a good thing as I spent all day on the computer finishing up my group e-commerce site as well as my web portfolio. Psyche!

I'm taking him back to the vet tomorrow, although they don't know it yet. :) I'm going to get a full panel done and a lyme titer. I want them to focus on his stomach/intestines and his spine. My friend Donna said it looks like he needs to be adjusted by a chiropractor. I'll be bringing him to the chiro lady as soon as she'll see me, just in case that's what it is.

Keep your fingers crossed and nothing but good thoughts for Freddie. Let's hope I can get some sort of answer on what's going on with him....


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