Sunday, February 4, 2007

sooooo freakin' tired

Mag & I were up early this am for the flyball tournament. Our teams tanked, but Mag had a good time! She shagged balls for us and enjoyed watching all the different styles of teams. :)

I can't wait to hear her explain the day to her husband George since the word shagging for them has the English connotation, not the American. Think Austin Powers. ;)

After that, we came back here, let the dogs out, checked mail, etc. before heading out to dinner at Bison County. We had a great meal, great conversation, etc., etc. It's not like we fight when we get together. :)

After dinner, we came back, let the dogs out, made cups of tea & hot chocolate, and parked it on the couch. She checked mail, did some updates, etc. - I did homework.

My eyes are trying to shut as I type so it's time to go.


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