Thursday, October 11, 2007


How is it that 2 flies have managed to survive more than a week in my house when I have 2 cats (isn't their job in life to catch bugs and rodents?), 2 Min Pins (ratters that are alert and go after anything that moves), a hound mix (who has been trained to "get the bugger"), and a Border Collie (another movement activated breed)?

It's unfathomable. Seriously.

What's been going on? Like always, everything and nothing. Work is still crazy. We're supposed to have the site up and off to the CD company right now but I'm still waiting for content. It won't be ready in time and I think I've finally just come to grips with that after pouring my life into it for the past 4 weeks. Shrug it off Dawn, shrug it off.

We headed up to Batavia, NY this past weekend for a flyball tournament. I camped with Jo and Eileen in Jo's camper. Of course we had a great time! I raced Freddie in the Veterans division (a slot for our oldies but goodies) and had a blast! It's absolutely sick that Freddie was on the fastest team ever with all the old guys and gals. Really, it's disturbing. There were 3 NET dogs (who live, breathe, and sleep on the edge of super sonic) and Freddie for runs with impressive time in the 19s. (I know you don't think that's impressive Jo, deal with it. ;))

The saying of the weekend was something like 'Who knew lettuce was the L in a BLT.'

My team captain ran her two dogs on an Open team - it's kinda like a pick up team for flyball. It's a good thing for those of us that want to travel and compete, but are on a team that generally doesn't go anywhere.

(Tweak is having a mighty fine time throwing a piece of a toy in the air and catching it whilst I type away. She's a hoot.)

Anyway, Cindy had fun and took 3rd place in the Open division. Not bad with 7 teams. Neither Freddie or I can take credit for it, but we got 1st place in vets. NET's regular team got first as well - something they are very used to. It was a successful weekend with plenty of play time for the Bitter litter (where Tweak came from.)

Now it's back to the boredom of work and normal life. I wish there was a way to become a professional flyballer. That would be way too freakin' cool.

Susan called me Tuesday saying she had found the perfect property for me - 54 acres of woods, open fields, and even a small stream going through it. The only problem? It's in New Jersey. Big sigh.

My brother's birthday is tomorrow so I have to figure out if we're doing something for him. I think we'll do dinner Friday night.

I didn't have any plans at all this weekend and as always happens, now I'm booked. At least it's with fun stuff tho'. Dinner Friday, yard sale with Terri Saturday, and King Richard's Faire on Sunday. That's what I'm most thrilled about! Terri is dressing up in costume but I'll stick with jeans and boots. :)


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