Friday, September 15, 2006

tired of working

Technically I could stay home today since I have more than 40 hours in already. But, I have to head in for a few meetings. I like it better during the summer when the VPs send out an email stating not to schedule meetings on Friday afternoons. :) That little perk will disappear since it's clear summer is waning.

Millie is doing fine. She hasn't had another episode and she's been acting normally. Freddie is doing better as well. Everyday he's perking up and doing some of his normal things. Last night it was barking at Millie from the crate when she was trolling for cookies they might've missed. I can honestly say I don't miss that one!

I'm still debating on whether or not I should bring him to the demonstration we have this weekend. I want to go, like I wanted to go to the last one, but I really don't want to push it with him. He's acting okay, but what if he's not? So I'm still up in the air on that one.

This weekend: I have to find one of those bins that you can drop clothes off at, I have to buy a pump, vacuum the pool and then close it, I have to mow the lawn, I have to buy vacuum bags, bring a ton of stuff down into the basement, put together the shelves for the closet, and finally, finally swap computers so I can give my sister the 'old' one. I needed to upgrade the 'old' one, not because it's old - it's less than a year - but because I needed a more powerful one for school.

Today I'm supposed to go out to lunch with a co-worker. I think he wants to stay on campus - I definitely want to go out and have a drink with lunch. So I may reschedule with him and head out with someone else. It's been too busy, too stressful, and too hard a week to sit in the cafe.

The bulbs I ordered should be here any day now, so I'll have to find some time to get those in the ground before the first frost. With how wacky the weather's been, we've probably already had it. We're still trying to schedule a KRF trip before it closes too. It looks like that might happen in mid-October.

So that's all that's been up with me. I have a week off before school starts again. I'm waiting for my grades from the class that just finished, which should be an A, and which gives me my certificate with a 4.0 gpa. Nice. :) See, I'm smarter than I look. ;) Well, when it comes to book-learning anyway. I've clearly demonstrated that I'm not even close when it comes to men. :)

Speaking of which, I'm still on my hiatus from bad dates. I've had a few offers that I considered briefly but ended up turning down. I just don't want to go through all the crap to get to the good ones - if they still exist. Not right now. Not anytime soon. I really do have enough going on in my life. :)

Work time...


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