It's official, I'm trapped in my house. The street has flooded to past my property and the only way I'm getting out is by swimming. The river has risen to 1 1/2 feet past flood stage (whatever that means), which makes me nervous. My pumps have been going on every minute on the minute for a really long time now. There is one tiny dry area in the basement (ironically enough where the new hot water heater is sitting), but the pumps are keeping up with it enough that there aren't inches in the basement. There is a lot of ruined stuff, but I can deal with that later.
Right now, I'm just hoping they don't shut the power off. A mandatory evacuation wouldn't be that wonderful right now. Thankfully my sister called to say she'd take me, and all the critters in if it came to that. I'm really just hoping my little pumps can pull off a Little Engine that Could "I think I can, I think I can" deal so that I don't have inches or feet in the basement.
With that said, I'll leave you with a view of my street and the future home of CVS parking lot. Anything that looks asphalt colored is water. Click on it to see a larger version.
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