Friday, August 18, 2006

plans change

Check this out:

To Do list 8/17/2006

change litter box - done
scan case studies for Amy - done
send Dell battery recall info to Pam - done
laundry - done
dishes - done (yup! all of them)

No lie. I did everything I had on my to do list yesterday. Freakin' amazing. AND I watched the latest Rescue me. AND Sue and I spent a few hours at the mall!

Yeah, my plans for not doing anything at all changed. Sue called me in the afternoon all giddy and happy because she talked her husband into not being up her ass all the time and going out with his friends for 2 nights in a row! Since she got pregnant he's been overly clingy. So, we both did what we needed to after work and then headed over to the Rockingham mall. I picked up this cute purple leather purse from Macy's for $8.49 - the deal of the century. (Yes, I really did say purple leather.)

We made plans tonight to head over to my grandmother's, picking up dinner along the way, and stopping at Tuesday Morning on the way home. I haven't been there in ages so I'm thrilled. :)

This weekend I have a flyball tournament in Goffstown, NH. For the first time in a really long time I'm *not* looking forward to it. I think it'll be ok but I'm sure there will be some tension due to how unhappy everyone is about this tournament. I'm bringing homework to take my mind off of everything and help keep my mouth shut. :) We'll see if I succeed!

Goffstown is one of the only places up here that's had a case of EEE so I'll be covered in deet the whole weekend. Thanks, but I'd rather take my chances with a low percentage of deet then get hit with a deadly disease. I wonder if I can put it on Freddie...hmmm. This interspecies stuff is killing us and I'm wondering if something like this is what killed off the dinosaurs. Surely mosquitos were around back then. The little bastards. They're now up on my list with bees - kill them all.

I woke up a few times last night, which is pretty unusual for me. It's getting close to that time where the AC doesn't kick on because of the temperature outside. I'll have to start paying attention to the nighttime temps and put a fan in the open window instead to keep it cool. I can *not* sleep if the room is warm. It's a bitch to get out of bed in the wintertime with the window cracked, but worth the solid 8 hours of sleep I get. :)

Ok, off to shower. :)


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