Wednesday, August 30, 2006

they lied

It didn't get nicer out yesterday. It stayed the same the whole day - cool, cloudy, and sprinkling off and on. This morning looks about the same so they probably lied about that too. We'll see.

I did not go shopping yesterday. I went to my drs appt in the afternoon, came home, and worked until 8pm when they brought the server down to apply patches to it. What a fun night, huh? I have only a couple of things to pass in for school tonight. That'll take me about 10 mins so I'm thinking shopping tonight is more feasible.

I did read a funny story on this morning about a woman who was teaching her dog to drive and got into an accident. What a surprise. I'm all about teaching dogs tons of different things - driving happens to be one of those on the "no way in hell" list. What was she thinking.

That's about it kids. Other than shopping and heading out to lunch with Kevin, that's my day in a nutshell. :)


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